Would you like a whiter smile?

Professional Teeth whitening is one of the most popular dental cosmetic procedures since it is an affordable way of improving your smile by helping remove stains and discolouration. The most common reason for teeth to become yellow is because of tobacco smoking, drinking coffee, tea, wine, and poor oral hygiene.

Teeth whitening options

Here at Wainui Dental we offer several different teeth whitening options that can help improve your smile including varying from take-home options to professional whitening undertaken in the clinic.

Take-home whitening trays

  • Pre-loaded bleaching trays which are worn daily. These are very easy to use and help whiten teeth significantly.
  • Take-home whitening trays have a lower concentration of bleaching agent, hence they usually require multiple treatments to be effective.
  • Whitening trays can be purchased from the front office.

Custom made whitening trays

Custom made whitening trays are made in-house at Wainui Dental. We start by taking a physical impression or digital scan of your teeth which we would then use to create a model replica of your teeth. With this model we are able to fabricate a custom made mouth appliance made specifically to fit your mouth. Unlike stock standard bleaching trays, custom trays allows the bleaching agent to sit evenly over your entire set of teeth which can improve the overall effectiveness of the whitening result.

Professional whitening: zoom whitening

Professional whitening (Zoom Whitening) involves the application off whitening gel to the teeth. The gel is activated by LED light, and activates the photo-chemical reaction and allows the gel to gently penetrate the tooth to remove deep stains. The main benefit of professional whitening is time, as results are seen instantly after treatment.

To get professional advise which technique would suit your teeth best, book a teeth whitening consultation at Wainui Dental!

Hey, get in touch!

For more information or to book your appointment.