Not all toothbrushes are created equal. We have a plethora of choices when it comes to picking a toothbrush. Some of us will naturally go for.

● Colour
● Brand
● Bristle Strength
● Price

If we are driven by the above natural instincts, we here at Wainui Dental want to advise on 5 top tips to consider when purchasing a toothbrush.

To choose the best toothbrush, you should be looking at factors like the size of the brush head, handle ergonomics, and shape/type of bristles

Things to consider.
● The size of the brush head
● The type of bristles
● Rounded vs. straight bristles
● Ergonomics
● Manual vs. electric toothbrushes

By following these 5 tips, you’ll never have to wonder which toothbrush to choose again!

5 Top Tips to choosing the right toothbrush

1. The Size Of The Brush Head
Bigger is not always better, some think that the bigger the head the more teeth the toothbrush cleans at once! Brush heads vary in sizes, it is important to look for a brush head that can reach those hard-to-clean areas in our mouths. Aim for a toothbrush with a smaller head as it allows you to focus on the areas we commonly miss with large headed toothbrushes, which is the space in between our teeth. Pair a small brush head and flossing when we are supposed to then you will ensure fewer emergency trips to the dentist and fresh breath all day long.

2. The Type Of Bristles
Toothbrush bristles traditionally came in three different types – soft, medium, and hard. Nowadays there are a few added extra types in the mix. Such as Firm and Ultrasoft. Some toothbrushes even claim to remove tartar. This only adds to our confusion in the supermarket isle as we think harder, firmer toothbrushes get rid of those pesky stains on our teeth due to coffee, tea, and more. What we should look for is soft nylon bristles with tapered edges. They are designed to brush and not damage our teeth, even if we press too hard. The softer the better! Try Colgate Ultrasoft Toothbrush if you want a hint.

3. Rounded Vs. Straight Bristles
You may have noticed that some toothbrushes have different bristles that advertise different uses. Such as tartar removal, whitening teeth, health gums etc. The shape of our toothbrush has a huge impact on your oral health.

While we may not notice the difference between straight or rounded bristles while we brush, it’s important to note that the tapered design is gentler on our gums. Our dental hygienists here at Wainui Dental are specialists in advising aftercare oral health instructions at home and can give direction on what toothbrush is right for you.

4. Ergonomics
An ergonomically designed toothbrush is important for those who are either developing motor skills such as children and those with trouble holding onto things. Not only that but specially designed toothbrushes can bend and flex, which aids in cleaning those hard-to-reach areas. You should also buy a toothbrush that’s easy to grip. Look for one with a handle long enough to comfortably hold in your hand. It is recommended to brush for at least 2 minutes a day, if you have an uncomfortable toothbrush this 2 minutes is going to feel a lot longer with an uncomfortable handle!

5. Manual Or Electric Toothbrush?
This is our most common question that we get asked, is it wise to invest in an electric toothbrush? The answer is yes if you can afford to. The most important thing to remember is to brush and brush correctly. We are trained as children on how to brush our teeth, as time goes by, we adapt our brushing to our daily schedule. If we are in a rush for work or school in the morning, we find that we brush quickly and with minimal effort or technique. An electric toothbrush is here to help! They are specifically designed to take the effort out of your morning routine. With some featuring timers, pressure sensors and oscillating small heads. They are designed to brush in those hard-to-clean areas!

It is important to put some thought into how you care for your teeth. Although your teeth feel hard on the outside, they can be weakened by sugary foods, acidic drinks, and poor oral care. Using a toothbrush that features stronger bristles might feel like the answer to cleaner teeth but can-do irreversible damage to healthy gum and enamel. This can lead to having sensitive teeth and receding gums. Talk to your hygienist or dentist and see which toothbrush best suits your needs.

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